Are you interested in becoming a home inspector in Maryland, DC or Virginia? There are several benefits to joining the industry. Many home inspectors start their own business, while some choose to work for a company. Below are some of the benefit of becoming a home inspector:
There are three stages of becoming a successful home inspector. The stages are: research requirements, take required courses to pass the National Exam and starting a successful home inspection business.
Stage 1: Research Requirements
I’ve compiled the steps you’ll need to start your new career in the region as a licensed home inspection professional. Follow the steps below to learn more about Maryland, Virginia and Washington, DC home inspection education requirements.
As of December 2024, Average Maryland salary: $65,335
Maryland Requirements:
- High School Diploma or GED is required
- Maryland home inspection education: 72 hours
- Exam Required: NHIE
- Application Fee: $50 ($325 is due if license is granted) (other fees may apply)
- Insurance Requirements: General Liability coverage for at least $150,000
Each home inspection professional should have a liability and/or errors & omissions insurance policy. Home Inspection License Expiration: Every two years from original licensure date.
As of December 2024, Average Virginia Salary: $56,553
Virginia Requirements:
- Minimum Age Requirement: 18 years old
- Virginia Home Inspection Education Hours: 35 or 70 hours (no more than half completed online)
- Inspections: 50 inspections (with 35 hours) OR 25 inspections (with 70 hours) under the direct supervision of a professional Virginia inspector
- Exam Required: National Home Inspection Examination (NHIE)
- Application Fee: $80 (other fees may apply)
- Insurance Requirements: General Liability of $250,000 per occurrence
Each home inspection professional should have a liability and/or errors & omissions insurance policy.
Home Inspection License Expiration: Every two years from original licensure date
As of December 2024, Average Washington, DC Salary: $54,848
Washington, DC Requirements:
- No licensing Requirements
- No Insurance Requirements
District of Columbia does not require a license to work as a home inspector, there are different types of inspections and business practices by which home inspectors must legally abide. However, real estate agents, potential employers, and lenders prefer working with individuals who hold a home inspector certification.
Veterans taking the National Home Inspector Exam are eligible for reimbursement through the GI Bill. Those who choose to exercise this benefit must complete a VBA-22-0803-ARE and submit it with the receipt to the VA for reimbursement.
Stage 2: Take Required Coursework to Pass the National Exam
There are several options to meet this requirement. If you are in the Southern Maryland area, come take the Home Inspection Pre-Licensing course at the College of Southern Maryland where I am the professor. Read the reviews from past students. This course satisfies the prerequisite coursework for Maryland and Virginia and is the most affordable in the state.
Once you successfully complete the state required coursework, you become eligible to take the National Home Inspector Exam. Preparing for the exam must be intentional. The exam consists of 200 questions and many aspiring home inspectors do not pass the test on the first and sometimes second or third attempts. Many have yet to overcome their own limiting beliefs such as not being a good test taker that have them stuck at this stage. I can help remove this barrier.
Stage 3: Starting a Successful Home Inspection Business
Congratulations! You passed the exam and have set up everything to be in business. Now what??? How do you get your first client? How do you attract realtors? How do you interact with your first client? How do you get reviews to grow your business? Here is the painful truth. It is challenging when you are first starting out and many current home inspectors have no interest in helping you succeed because they look at you as future competition. How do you overcome that?
You need a coach! That’s where I come in.
As your coach, you will…
- Gain access to courses and resources that will guide you in answering the above questions and more.
- Eliminate limiting beliefs that stifle progress and growth.
- Avoid costly mistakes so you can keep more of the revenue you create.
- Grow your business through…
- Brand Exposure
- Reputation Management
- Partnerships
- Adjacent Businesses
- Ancillary Services
- and much more!
Register for my free webinar to learn more about becoming a successful home inspector!