Foundation Elevation Inspection

(VERY IMPORTANTNone of the inspectors at DS Home Inspection Services are licensed professional engineers, nor do any of us represent ourselves to be in any form. Nobody other than a licensed professional engineer can definitively tell you the condition of your foundation or recommend repairs to a foundation. There are no objective standards for determining whether a foundation’s performance is acceptable or not.)

What is a Foundation Elevation Inspection?

A foundation elevation survey takes measurements of the flooring in the home to collect precise elevation data at multiple points across the foundation. This data is recorded digitally and analyzed to identify variations in elevation. We use the ZIPLEVEL PRO­2000B High Precision Altimeter. It’s the same equipment widely used by structural engineers. These measurements will show if, where, and/or to what degree the foundation is out of level. Together with the presence of cracks and other evidence of movement, a determination can be made if further evaluation is necessary by a structural engineer or foundation specialist.

Who needs a Foundation Elevation Inspection?

Preexisting Home

If you are buying or selling a home, it’s a good idea to get this level of detail on how level the first-floor measures across a given distance as a baseline for future reference or against measurements previously taken in the same area in the past at a property.

New Construction

New construction home buyers can really benefit from a foundation elevation inspection. A baseline will be established during the Pre-Drywall or Post Drywall Inspection and a comparison inspection done during the 11-Month Builder’s Warranty Inspection. If it is found to be out of level according to the builder’s tolerance, the builder can make repairs while you are still under warranty. If not, you have a record of a starting point, so years down the line if cracks are appearing, you have measurements with which to compare.

The Process

Initial Assessment:

The inspector will conduct a visual examination of the exterior and interior areas of the foundation, looking for visible signs of damage, such as cracks, shifts, or uneven settling during the Pre-Drywall inspection. This serves as a baseline for preexisting and new construction homes.

Follow-up Assessment:

The inspector will conduct a visual examination of the exterior and interior areas of the foundation, looking for visible signs of damage, such as cracks, shifts, or uneven settling during the 11 Month Builder’s Warranty inspection. This serves as the comparison inspection for a designated timeframe for preexisting and new construction homes.

Placement of Foundation Elevation System:

The Foundation Elevation Survey system consists of a digital level and a base unit. The inspector will strategically place the base unit on a reference point inside the home, in a central location.

Data Collection:

The Foundation Elevation Survey system is used to collect precise elevation data at multiple points across the foundation. This data is recorded digitally and analyzed to identify variations in elevation.

Analysis of Data:

The collected elevation data is analyzed to determine if there are any significant irregularities or deviations from the expected levelness. This analysis helps identify areas where the foundation may be settling unevenly or experiencing structural stress.

Identification of Issues:

The Foundation Elevation Survey inspection can reveal issues such as foundation settlement, heaving, or lateral movement. These problems can be indicative of underlying structural issues that may require further investigation or remediation.

Report Generation:

The inspector will generate a detailed report outlining the findings of the Foundation Elevation Survey inspection. This report may include elevation measurements, identified issues, and recommendations for further evaluation if necessary.

Recommendations for Repairs:

If any foundation issues are identified, the inspector may provide recommendations for further evaluation by a structural engineer or foundation contractor. This information is valuable for homeowners and potential buyers, helping them make informed decisions about the property.

A Foundation Elevation Survey inspection is particularly useful for detecting subtle changes in the elevation of a home’s foundation, which might not be apparent during a visual inspection alone. By incorporating this technology, we are able tp provide a more thorough assessment of the structural integrity of a property, contributing to the overall understanding of its condition.

(VERY IMPORTANTWe are not engineers. We can’t stress this enough. While we may have training and education to form an opinion about a foundation, our opinion is not equal to that of an engineer. The purpose of our service is to provide you with a more accurate opinion of your foundation, compared to our opinion without performing a foundation elevation survey, while still being affordable. If you observed indicators of severe foundation distress or believe your foundation is deficient and want to know about possible solutions, there is no substitute to hiring an engineer. Engineers are the only people who can legally determine if a foundation requires repair or not.)
